Saturday, February 25, 2012


Check the News page immediately. This is absolutely breaking news.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Activity Scheduling!

Ok. So as you can all see, the activity on the site is faltering. I'm announcing the return of a tournament.... >:) That's right..... the newest tournament is the Spring Cup! If you want to join or enter it, grab the details in the link below!

Click here to get info or join the Spring Cup!

Also, I am changing up my scheduling on the site.

Monday: Website chat
Tuesday: Website chat
Wednesday: Website chat
Thursday: Website chat
Friday: POTW Development Team Meetings
Saturday: Fiery Wyverns chat
Sunday: Fiery Wyverns chat

So thanks for joining and cooperating!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Activity Boost....

I think this will boost our overall activity on the site. I need a Pokemon of the Week writing team to be set up, so we can decide about who does each week's article. I want anybody who is interest to visit our new page....... it's our Pokemon of the Week development team. :) You can find the page on the header below the title of our site. If you are interested.... PLEASE. Visit the page for more information.