Well, I think I'm going to try this one more time..... we are now opening for our (hopefully it will work this time...) FIRST TOURNEY. This tournament will be done via Pokemon Online. If you need the link for the site, this it it... We are hoping to see some new faces around, and some veterans in Pokemon joining and competing in this tourney. The host will be me, and I am going to limit the number of contenders to eight. I know how our site has NOT been good at organizing these types of things... :P This is the Pokemon101 WINTER CUP. I am also hoping that at LEAST 4-6 people will participate. And don't think if you win, there won't be a prize for the winner, and also runner-up. Every person who joins will automatically be pushed up in rank. The prize(s) for the champion are:
1) A nice addition to their scoreboard of 50 points...
2) One automatic rank up...
3) One item of choice (excluding Master Ball)
4) Title of Tourney Champion.....and finally number...
Runner-up will receive a mystery prize. SO. PLEASE.. Let's make this one work guys! We are hoping for the FIRST EVER Pokemon101 tournament. If you comment and include the word Pokemon101, you will be automatically registered as a player in the fights. Elimination style, and the worst players will be pitted against the worst players by the way. The FINAL sign-up date is December 16... Also, regarding the tiers options, you MAY use any tier you would like except for Ubers, and the only restriction is that you and your opponent MUST be using the same tier, but any tier. The finals must be OU. Anyways, sign up, show to others, AND LET'S GET THIS WORKING!
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Monday, November 28, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Post has been Deleted...
Don't make posts that nobody would want to see.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving from Pokemon101!
Well, it's the time of the year! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here, and every human out there (in America at least)! I'm very thankful for my friend Joshua Hernandez, who taught me how to play this game. I'm thankful for the *cough* girl* of my dreams... :P I'm thankful for my parents, and the troops in Afghanistan. I'm thankful that you happened to come upon this site, and have been thriving (hopefully) off of it ever since. So please, give others something to be thankful about and spread the site around so many other people can be appreciative of this actually very intense and deep game. Good luck to anyone Black Friday shopping (INCLUDING ME), and find some good deals out there. Try buying some Pokemon games eh? :) So remember to be thankful for what you have, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Serebii's Super Duper Mascot!

Celebi >3 Yes. Celebi. The pokemon who is tiny and cute OUTSIDE of BATTLE. Serebii's shining star!
Type: Physic/Grass
Ability: Natural Cure
Tier: OU
Celebi has an outstanding metagame-related pressure. However, in the B/W generation it has gained some new rivals who see through his/her weaknesses. Original rivals such as Scizor and Tyranitar and new ones such as Latios, Latias, Hydreigion, Chandelure, and many others threaten Celebi. Despite those flaws, and the fact that Celebi has to rely on it's classical move sets, it has adapted to the point where it is resistant to six very common attack types and can support it's team with ease. Celebi has an above decent offensive movepool which moves his/her's offensive state and has the all so powerful Nasty Plot which decimates a lot of OU pokemon. Celebi will and should always have a spot in your team if you want to rely on great support.
Nasty Plot Super Duper Sweeper
Nature- Modest
Item(s): Leftovers/Life Orb
- Nasty Plot
- Recover
- Giga Drain
- Hidden Power Fire/Earth Power/ Physic
EV's 220 Hp/252 SpA/ 36 Spe
Celebi's Speed, Special Attack, and adequate coverage moves all combine to make an effective special attacker. With Nasty Plot, Celebi's power is augmented to astronomical numbers, ensuring it makes maximum impact before fainting. On top of this, because of its high defenses, good typing, access to recovery (in two forms), and convenient ability in Natural Cure, Celebi can survive many attacks, use Nasty Plot, and fire off its boosted attacks with zest. Giga Drain is Celebi's main attacking move, providing consistent STAB damage along with an advantageous secondary effect: draining the foe's HP. After one Nasty Plot boost, Celebi can restore a large amount of health simply by attacking with Giga Drain, effectively nullifying the damage it suffered during setup. Recover also provides a reliable, alternative method of recovery against foes that laugh off Giga Drain. If you choose to use Celebi at a more offensive angle, Recover can be replaced by another attacking move, expanding Celebi's overall coverage against opposing counters. The last slot can be a bit tricky; no matter which combination of moves Celebi chooses, it will be walled by certain foes. Hidden Power Fire is a reliable option against the majority of Steel-type Pokemon, especially Skarmory and Ferrothorn, with the only exception of Heatran. Earth Power provides general coverage, OHKOing most opposing Fire- and Steel-types. Earth Power's main disadvantage is leaving Celebi vulnerable to Skarmory, Scizor, and many Flying- and Dragon-types (Latios, Latias, and Tornadus, to name a few). Psychic can function as a secondary STAB attack, providing good all-around coverage alongside Giga Drain, but leaves Celebi walled by Steel-type Pokemon, so it is advised to use Psychic alongside another coverage move. Nasty Plot Celebi has room for lots of options. The given EV spread, alongside a Modest nature, allows Celebi to outspeed all unboosted variants of Tyranitar (bar Choice Scarf), while maintaining efficient durability and maximum Special Attack. Some EVs can be placed into Speed from Special Attack to outrun a wider variety of foes since Celebi is already boosting its Special Attack. Celebi can also go the offensive route by utilizing a simple spread of 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe with either a Timid or Modest nature. In most scenarios, Celebi should use Life Orb because the recoil sustained will usually be made up by enhanced power and the HP healed by Giga Drain. Leftovers is always a viable option to keep Celebi healthy for most of the match, though the drop in power will be very noticeable.Besides faster Pokemon with a super effective move for Celebi, certain foes will trouble Celebi depending on the coverage it uses. Teammates who can handle what Celebi cannot are mandatory. For example, if Hidden Power Fire is used over Earth Power, Celebi will need a way around Heatran, so a Water-type with decent defenses, such as Rotom-W, Politoed, or Kingdra, should be used to put it in check. Unfortunately, Celebi is always going to be walled by Latios, Latias, and Hydreigon, all of whom resist Celebi's main attacks, the former two being able to set up with Calm Mind. Pursuit users are a quick answer to Latios and Latias, while Hydreigon can be handled by a faster teammate with a strong Fighting-, Dragon-, or Bug-type move. Blissey and Chansey, the two special walls of OU, will be annoyances when attempting a sweep, so the use of physical Fighting-type moves from lures is recommended.
Super Duper Clam Mind ( Yes Clam ._.) (PS: Something went wrong with the spacing ._. IDK)
Items: Leftovers (But somehow when i was typing the info, the spacing went perfectly.)
Nature: Bold (Sigh* The irony of this all well anyways enjoy T_T")
Moves (PSS: I FINALLY GOT A PICTURE!!! YESSSS!!!!! 1337 1010101010 L33T YETSTSTST)
-Calm Mind
-Giga Drain
-Hidden Power Fire
EVs 252HP/96 Def/ 124 SpA/ 36 Spe
Though Celebi is always available as a Nasty Plot sweeper, Calm Mind is another boosting move that it can use with brilliant results. The ability to boost both its offense and one defense is simply valuable due to many checks relying on a special coverage move to eliminate Celebi, an effort which can be nullified with Calm Mind. After a couple of Calm Mind boosts, most unboosted attackers, such as Tyranitar and Jirachi, will struggle to break through Celebi's either boosted or invested defenses while being battered with the appropriate move. Celebi's access to two forms of recovery also plays a major role in its survivability, allowing Celebi to set up more easily than it would have with Nasty Plot.As usual, Giga Drain is the most beneficial STAB move for Celebi because of its consistent power and secondary effect. Taking into account the power and bulk Celebi obtains with Calm Mind, a boosted Giga Drain will keep it very healthy throughout the match so it isn't so reliant on Recover. However, with Calm Mind and Recover in one set, Celebi only has room for one other coverage move in the last slot, so it will always be walled by specific threats. In this case, the most effective choice is Hidden Power Fire, due to the popularity of Steel- and Grass-type threats that would otherwise wall Celebi. The other coverage moves mentioned previously are less viable on this set due to Celebi's moveslot syndrome against Steel-types that are immune to Ground-type moves. Please keep in mind that Celebi will have plenty of opportunities to set up multiple boosts, so it should not attack immediately unless necessary.The given EVs and nature are nearly the same for other similar sets, with the usual 36 EVs invested in Speed to outrun all unboosted variants of Tyranitar. 124 EVs in Special Attack means that Celebi can OHKO Adamant 252 HP / 216 SpD Scizor with Hidden Power Fire after a Calm Mind boost and Stealth Rock damage, while the remaining EVs are used to provide as much physical bulk as possible. Generally, investing in Special Attack is necessary to provide extra power, as Celebi would have little offensive presence otherwise. If initial power isn't a concern, simply pour the EVs into Defense for physical bulk. Because Celebi is played more defensively, Leftovers is basically a necessity for substantial healing.Although Calm Mind Celebi has an arguably easier time against revenge killers and some counters, it has coverage gaps that desperately need to be filled by other teammates. Again, using Hidden Power Fire with Giga Drain only means that Celebi will need additional insurance against opposing Fire-, Dragon-, and Flying-type Pokemon. Its problems are further worsened if it hasn't boosted enough times to sponge certain special attacks or break Substitutes, especially those from the likes of Heatran and Chandelure. A sturdy Water-type Pokemon with good coverage is a solution towards most of these threats, with Rotom-W being a prime teammate because of its access to Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave for Celebi's counters. Unfortunately, Latios, Latias, and Blissey will still raise issues even if Celebi conjured six boosts, so strong lures or Pursuit users for these threats are extremely necessary for Celebi to succeed in the long run.
In short, Celebi is somewhat limited in the offensive department. Swords Dance is generally inferior to Nasty Plot due to Celebi's small physical movepool, and it only has potential on a set using Baton Pass. Outside of Giga Drain, Celebi also has Energy Ball and Grass Knot to work with, the latter being able to hit Tyranitar, Milotic, and Suicune harder. However, Giga Drain is the most efficient option out of these three because of its recovering secondary effect, along with the fact that Giga Drain's base power is almost the same as Energy Ball's. Only consider Grass Knot if Celebi is in need of heavy damage.As opposed to its offensive options, Celebi has lots of support options. Celebi is a decent user of field effects, ranging from Trick Room, to Sunny Day, to Rain Dance. The latter two, however, can easily be set up by a permanent weather inducer such as Politoed or Ninetales. The only remotely useful weather move is Rain Dance, for the purpose of disrupting other weathers and setting up for Pokemon with the ability Swift Swim. Baton Pass is usable, but it is mostly outclassed by Mew, who has more options than Celebi can ever hope for. Other support moves include Heal Bell and Stealth Rock, one of which can replace a moveslot on defensive sets. Finally, Celebi has access to both Light Screen and Reflect, so a dual screen set with U-turn can be used to great effect. Celebi has a niche as a dual screen user because of its Grass / Psychic typing, though this in return gives Celebi many weaknesses.
It's certainly a shame Celebi didn't receive Psyshock, for it would have definitely crippled some of its best counters in the game: Blissey and Eviolite Chansey. While both can't really do much to Celebi due to its access to many forms of recovery (including Natural Cure for status), their high Special Defense ensures that Celebi can't do much to them either. Additionally, many Dragon-type Pokemon, especially Latios, Latias, and Hydreigon, will wall Celebi if it lacks the appropriate coverage move for them. Even then, Latios and Latias will both use Celebi as setup fodder for a Calm Mind sweep. In general, Celebi's main problem is being walled since its coverage is limited to few moves, but be prepared if Celebi happens to pack Hidden Power Fire or Earth Power for your Steel-type Pokemon. It would be safe to scout the grass pixie's movepool before switching in the appropriate resist. Celebi's other main problem is its seven weaknesses, all of which can be exploited by a faster Pokemon. Infernape, Gengar, Charizard, Tornadus, and Scolipede all have super effective STAB attacks to use against Celebi, making them amongst the best checks. Celebi must also be extremely wary of users of Pursuit and / or Choice Scarf, the most dangerous ones being Heracross, Scizor, and Tyranitar.
Well I'm done with POTWs :P and RMTs :P and this site :P (jk I Love This Site >3)
Later Everyone >3, Cheesecake-kun
***1/2 GC- Jonathan Auh
*** 1/2 QC-Jonathan Auh
Team Options & Additional Comments >>>

Sunday, November 20, 2011
RMT: Rain Murdering Team!
Seeing as one of our members has kindly started off the site with our FIRST RMT, I decided that I'm going to follow-up with the second. I am going to show you the Pokemon themselves, and how much damage they can cause when put together.
-Let's rock and roll guys.-
First off, let me explain how I first came to this team. Wondering how to incorporate my custom Scizor set, which you will you see later, along with my custom Celebii set, which you will also see later. I came to the conclusion, that I should try making on of the overused, and dreaded, RAIN TEAMS. And if you have a rain team, you know what you should have in the team. Another note, is that Gastrodon and Kingdra could be used to replace the combination of Gyarados and Jolteon. Anyways, let's get on with this RMT.
EV: 252 special attack, 116 defense, 140 HP
Nature: Modest
@Choice Specs
-Hydro Pump
-Perish Song
-Ice Beam
-Focus Blast
Politoed is the best toad ever. Since it's boost in 5'th gen for the ability Drizzle, Politoed has risen from murky, swampy water, if you know what I mean. Drizzle allows Politoed's teammates to benefit from the rain it summons, and it benefits itself in some ways. The EV's given max out attack with it's nature, and give Politoed some great bulk. Hydro Pump is maximum way ahead, being an extremely powerful attack with rain, STAB, and good base power. Ice Beam pairs well in terms of typing, and takes care of some grass types. Focus Blast can be used to partly wear out Blissey, and help damage stuff like Ferrothorn and Gastrodon. Perish Song is just purely great for wearing out bulky Pokemon that have no where to go. Now, realizing I have a base for the team, I need supporters and other bases. Obviously, one build around on my team was the one and only....
-Pincers of Death- |
EV: 252 attack, 252 speed, 4 special defense
Nature: Jolly
@Life Orb
-Bullet Punch
-Bug Bite
-Swords Dance
Scizor is a bug that was manufactured in a factory, like those Hex Bug Nano thingies. Except a lot better. And cooler. Scizor's amazing typing allows it to get dual STAB, and good offensive typing at that. Rain better helps Scizor survive simple fire attacks that would otherwise knock it out. The EV's given help increase attack greatly, and surprise the opponent with a max speed of 251 at most. (This is my own custom set.) Technician is obviously the best ability to choose, and Bullet Punch and Bug Bite utilize it to the most. Bullet Punch now has STAB and a Technician boost, doubling it's power. Who wants a iron fist coming into your FACE at priority? Bug Bite has the exact same effects, except it has higher base power, so it has 120 base power. Still REALLY powerful. Superpower annihilates steels like Ferrothorn and Heatran. Heatran is (mostly) no longer a threat now, because don't forget, Scizor runs MAX speed. Swords Dance is the surprise move to gain doubled attack power. Life Orb helps max out power, but keeps choice. In all, Scizor helps fend of certain threats for Politoed and the next SUPERSTAR (hinthint) of the team....
-Did you catch the joke I just made?- |
EV: 172 HP, 252 speed, 84 special attack
Nature: Timid
Serene Grace
-Water Pulse
-Calm Mind
Jirachi is a strong base of the team for many reasons. Serene Grace basically gets him completely overused, and his strong moveset is wide, allowing you many choices. This Jirachi is meant to run in rain, but can be also ran outside of it (just not ANYWHERE near as well). The EV's distributed max out your speed, outrunning every base 100 speed Pokemon without the right nature. HP and special attack are also benefited. The ability chosen is an obvious, being it's only one, and for good reasons. Substitute helps utilize Jirachi's good bulk, while allowing it to set-up. In rain, remember that it has only one weakness, Ground-types. Calm Mind bulks Jirachi up, and gives it a LOT more power. Water Pulse (in rain) gets a boost in power, and has a 40% chance of confusing the enemy, thanks to Serene Grace. Thunder has 100% accuracy in rain, and once again, thanks to Serene Grace, you get a 60% chance of paralysis to the opponent. Jirachi is a key point in this team, but falls dead to that damn slug, Gastrodon. To solve this, I added another custom set to the team, which uses entry hazards support, and can take Gastrodon OUT of the fight.......
-So adorably and cute... outside of battle.- |
EV: 100 HP, 60 defense, 48 special attack, 152 special defense, 148 speed
Nature: Bold
Natural Cure
-Stealth Rock
-Leaf Storm
-Nasty Plot/Reflect/Light Screen
-Baton Pass/Reflect/Light Screen
Celebi is the main support of the team. With stats distributed similarly to Jirachi, it is well balanced, and can serve MANY roles. The role I have it play is the support and surprise attacker. With even stats, Leaf Storm can cause massive damage. Stealth Rocks is a must on nearly every team. Nasty Plot is what I chose for the next slot, because I use Baton Pass along with it. This set can surprise anyone, catching them off-guard, and I can Baton Pass to the next member of my team. If you are lacking defense on the team, you should opt for Reflect and Light Screen. Don't forget, Celebi is benefited in the rain thanks to one less weakness. This Pokemon is a great aspect to my team, but not as great as......
-I did a POTW on him!- |
EV: 156 HP, 72 attack, 96 defense, 184 speed
Nature: Adamant
-Dragon Dance
-Stone Edge
Gyarados is a good option for this team, thanks to the rain. The EV's given support the bulk of Gyarados, and provide a good base of the Gyarados itself. With a unique typing, Gyarados has the ability to sweep. Intimidate suppresses certain sweepers, stopping them cold and forcing a switch, which probably leads to the open Dragon Dance or Taunt. Taunt stops Ferrothorn and Blissey from setting up on you, and also some other threats like Skarmory. Dragon Dance is obvious, raising your speed and attack, making you a viable threat to ANY team. Stone Edge is for other Gyarados. Now you might think running Gyarados in the rain may be a bit dangerous due to Gyarados's 4x weakness to electric moves. In rain, Gyarados could be easily thwarted by Thunder, Thunderbolt, and Volt Switches. That's why we come to the last member of the team........
-Don't be fooled!- |
EV: 252 special attack, 220 speed, 36 HP
Nature: Modest
Volt Absorb
@Life Orb
-Volt Switch
-Hidden Power [Ice]
-Shadow Ball
Finally we get to the end. Jolteon is a nice Pokemon with outstanding speed and good special attack. It's downfall is how frail it is physically. The EV's given help max special attack, while contributing to speed so you can still outspeed certain threats like Gengar, Ninetales, and Alakazam. Jolteon needs to watch out for priority moves, and Volt Switch IMMEDIATELY when it sees a Blissey. The reason why I would use Jolteon on a rain team is pretty obvious. Gyarados needs to watch his back for electric moves, but Jolteon can utilize it's ability and suck in energy to recover from Life Orb recoil and any other damage it may have taken. Thunder is a must in rain. Volt Switch allows Jolteon to scout while dealing a large chunk of HP. Shadow Ball helps to fend off Gengar. Hidden Power [Ice] keeps Gliscor away from you.
So that is my team, and obviously, you should RMT! Rate my team, tell me some tips, and thanks for joining the site!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Responding to Cheesecake-Kun's post, I've decided to create the first RMT on the site. Jonathan has faced this team numerous times, and it seemed to work pretty well. It also worked well on the ladder on PO too. While the team itself can easily counter top threats, it has many problems with a certain star.... It's name.
Jirachi is one of the biggest threats to this team. The only set problematic though, the SubCM set, in the rain. This is my biggest threat. While there are some other little beasts that destroy my team its this one that dismantles the whole team. In the end, if I ever see a Jirachi on a rain team, I'm dead.**
**I will name my biggest threats and other threats in the end.
So without any more talking of the introduction, I present to you guys...
(Cause a Double Rainbow makes everything better)
iSpin (Claydol) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Earth Power/Reflect/Rest
- Ice Beam
Oh how I love you Claydol. Claydol's job on this team has 4 roles. Now, I know it may seem a lot, but Claydol is quite a durable puppet. It's first role, is very quite obvious. Seeing as this is a stall team, I knew I needed SR somewhere. Claydol usually gets it up quite easily, against things Exacdrill, Terrakion, Dragonite, Jirachi, etc... almost all physical pokemon. (*cough* Tyranitar *cough*) Having SR on this team is quite helpful on any team, so every team should have SR. It's second most important role, is to Rapid spin. I understand you might say Forretress could be better, but that would pale in comparison because Claydol provides much more utility to the team, with it's stellar resistances to EdgeQuake, and three of the metagames top threats. Terrakion, Dragonite, and the Sand Genie Landorus. Forretress easily is defeated by Dragonite with Fire Punch or even EQ, because Forretress unlike Claydol can't do anything to Dragonite. All it c an do is Gyro Ball, which is easily recovered with Roost. If it's an offensive DNite, then it is 2HKO'ed by Fire Punch. This is the reason I use Claydol over Forretress. The Third reason I use Claydol is because of the fact, that depending on the move I decide to choose. Reflect allows much more utility to the team, allowing many more of my pokemon to set up many physical pokemon. On the other hand, if I choose to opt for Earth Power I would be able to defeat Heatran, which would really help my team, seeing as he isn't hurt by Will-O-Wisp much, and he can rapid spin the SR if Heatran chooses to do so. Then there's Rest. Rest allows me to Rapid spin later, and if my SR happens to get sinned off, I can always come back to set it up again. This job is even easier because I have a cleric on my team, Roserade. The 4th reason, has already been mentioned, but Claydol is used to stop top tier physical threats, Dragonite, Landorus, and Terrakion. It can also easily counter Gliscor, as it is not below 50% health because an Ice Fang from a +2 Gliscor will KO at 50%. The move choices are quite obvious to provide the most utility to the team, by providing SR and Rapid spin at the same time. The 3rd move was chosen to counter Dragons that can dismantle this team. The 4th move is the hardest choice because there is so many options. While I usually use Earth Power, due to the Heatrans which plaque this metagame, Reflect and Rest allow me to live longer and provide some more utility to the team. Overall, Claydol provides lots and lots of utility to this team by countering prominent physical threats, and providing a
Solid Wall to many teams.
iRoses (Roserade) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SDef / 4 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Toxic Spikes
- Sleep Powder
- Giga Drain
- Aromatherapy
Oh Roserade you little sneaky grass ninja. Roserade finds his way to this team through the fact it has so much utility to the team. Providing 3 things on one pokemon, that help this team so much, is pretty hard to find, but I stumbled upon Roserade, and immediately fell in love with her. Toxic Spikes is pretty much a given on any Roserade especially if used on a stall team. Toxic spikes when set up screws up many walls, weakening their ability to wall, by using poison to limit their lifespan. Sleep Powder is an amazing move (Even if it never hits) especially with the new sleep mechanics this gen. Sleep Powder helps stop things like Jirachi if it's not SubCM, and helps support the team by providing them with some extra turns if the pokemon decides to stay in. Having a pokemon asleep, technically is like taking one of the enemy's pokemon away, as they can't do anything. Aromatherapy is an awesome move, and is one of the only reasons I even opt to use Rest on Claydol. It helps with those Paralysis from Jirachi, Burns from Jellicent, random Scald Burns, Random Freezes, Aromatherapy just provides so much utility to my pokemon from any sort of status hax. Aromatherapy is well worth the moveslot, saving my butt many times. Giga Drain is used last, to provide a STAB move, additional recovery, and most importantly, not Taunt Bait. I opt to choose this pokemon over things like Ferrothorn which provide spikes, because overall it just provides more utility to the team. Toxic spikes also helps with things like Mew who can dismantle this team quite easily, with it's standard set. There;s one more thing I haven't mentioned yet, but you can probably guess it. If you haven't look back at it's typing. It absorbs Toxic Spikes. A stall team is dismantled by Toxic Spikes, which is a great pain in the butt. Roserade fixes this problem, by countering most major Toxic Spikers, Tentacruel and Forretress through Sleep Powder and setting up it's own, or I can bring in Claydol to spin if Forretress set up SR or Spikes. The moves are quite straightforward, by providing as much utility to the team, while I chose to opt for Specially Defensive Roserade, to counter most special threats. In fact it is only 2HKO'ed by A Heatran Fire Blast.
iFly (Skarmory) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 200 Def / 56 SDef
Impish Nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Roost
- Spikes
- Brave Bird
- Whirlwind
Stall, is all about utilizing Entry Hazards to deal damage. Stall is also about having great synergy, and having the ability to take a hit, and be able to outstall the opponent. Overall, Stall is all about Passive Damage. This is where Skarmory comes. Skarmory provides I think is more important than SR, the Entry Hazard known as Spikes. Spikes is a must on any stall team, and the best man (er... Bird I should say) I could find on a stall team was Skarmory. Skarmory has always been a prominent defensive wall, but it's more important nowadays due to the overload of fighting types that have flooded this generation. Skarmory easily sets up spikes on many physical pokemon due to it's Steel Typing. Steel is a great type, especially when combined with flying, provides many useful resistances to things like The ever so omnipresent Scizor, who just wrecks this team. I understand Skarmory is so overused, but he's the best spiker I could find, that could fit on the stall team, that's not Ferrothorn. Skarmory fills some physical gaps like Scizor, who can kill this team with the Right moveset and EV's. I would like to point out Jonathan's moveset for Scizor, which runs max Speed and with Superpower. This would wreck my team, if I didn't have Skarmory. Skarmory provides some nice utility through whirlwind, which helps this stall team so much. Skarm is the backbone of this team, and if he is allowed to set up 3 layers of spikes, you're in for one hell of a time. It also helps stop CB Haxorus and Dragonite. Skarmory is a key player on this team, and supports the team even more, is the team has to do less to win the game. It also provides a very nice check to SD Gliscor who run Protect and not Taunt. I hate Taunt.
iTran (Heatran) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 248 SDef / 8 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Lava Plume
- Earth Power
- Protect
- Roar
iFat (Blissey) (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Wish
- Protect
- Seismic Toss
- Flamethrower
iNite (Dragonite) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Multiscale
EVs: 252 HP / 68 SAtk / 184 SDef / 4 Spd
Calm Nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Roost
- Substitute
- Flamethrower
- Dragon Tail
Can't finish it today! Sorry guys. But I'll finish Tomorrow. Have to get off. C ya at school tomorrow.
**1/2 QC (Jonathan Auh)
**1/2 GC(Jonathan Auh)
**1/2 QC (Jonathan Auh)
**1/2 GC(Jonathan Auh)
Friday, November 11, 2011
Order Forms!
Well, it's finally time to use the PokeShop for the first time people! To view items up for purchase, click here:
This is the PokeShop101 link!
So I hope you are all familiar with the points system. Everytime you post, defaulted, you receive one point. For an RMT, you may receive 10 points. For writing the week POTW, you receive 5 points. As you can see from the Points page......
Points display....
As you can see from this page, the leaderboard has Cheese-Cake_Kun on top with 20 points. He has been very active, and being very generous, I award him 5 extra points for his efforts. This month, depending on your rank, I will also award you EXTRA points. Anyways, on to the ordering ITSELF....
When you order something, it may be pending up to two weeks. But, the items you could receive do pay up for it. Here's what you'll do. Simply check the PokeShop101, and browse for any Pokemon you might want. Next, you must go to this post, and comment. Your comment should be in a format SOMEWHAT similar to this:
(Pokemon101) Name:
Do I have Black/White:
What item(s) do I want:
How many points I have:
Is this a good program:
Thanks for your contributions also, since we are on the way to becoming larger! Two more followers have joined, and I hope we can see more activity!
This is the PokeShop101 link!
So I hope you are all familiar with the points system. Everytime you post, defaulted, you receive one point. For an RMT, you may receive 10 points. For writing the week POTW, you receive 5 points. As you can see from the Points page......
Points display....
As you can see from this page, the leaderboard has Cheese-Cake_Kun on top with 20 points. He has been very active, and being very generous, I award him 5 extra points for his efforts. This month, depending on your rank, I will also award you EXTRA points. Anyways, on to the ordering ITSELF....
When you order something, it may be pending up to two weeks. But, the items you could receive do pay up for it. Here's what you'll do. Simply check the PokeShop101, and browse for any Pokemon you might want. Next, you must go to this post, and comment. Your comment should be in a format SOMEWHAT similar to this:
(Pokemon101) Name:
Do I have Black/White:
What item(s) do I want:
How many points I have:
Is this a good program:
Thanks for your contributions also, since we are on the way to becoming larger! Two more followers have joined, and I hope we can see more activity!
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