Spring Cup!

Here you can sign up for our newest tournament here at Pokemon101.... the Spring Cup is an elimination round tourney, with a maximum of 16 players. The minimum amount of players is 6, and that's it! You can your randomly matched partner will battle before a certain deadline and re-post the results here. The rules are standard OU, unless your opponent agrees to fight under a different tier, and most of the battling is done via PO. Just comment below with your screen name and method of battling to enter. The deadline for sign-ups will be April 30, 2012. This gives you a lot of time to get people to join the tournament, and compete for the name of SPRING CUP CHAMPION!


  1. >:) So far we have four contenders, let's see if we can get some more? Right?

  2. Count me in ^-^ REPRESENT MONO ELEC TEAMS

  3. Replies
    1. Sometime in April, yenno, when Spring actually starts. :)

  4. AGH. We need one more person...... GRAB ANYONE YOU KNOW TO DOWNLOAD PO, ANDPLAY!

  5. asdfghjkl joins Jonathan answer my questions.

  6. Replies
    1. Wow, it's been a while. The tournament has been way delayed, because we haven't really focused on it lately.... But it should happen around June now....


Pokemon101, and proud.