Sunday, October 2, 2011

Pokemon of the Week!!! Banned.....

So we have hit I think 19 followers! I'm happy, but you still know we have to keep our activity up. I'm proud to release another POTW this week, but also as a note, every Fridays, if you want a specific Pokemon to be POTW, I'm going to allow people to post their wanted Pokemon on the homepage. I hope this will increase our group activity here, and I know school is school, but be sure to at least check on the site from time to time. Anyways, back to out subject at hand, here is the latest Pokemon of the Week..... he's a banned Pokemon in Dream World tiers, due to his amazing ability Shadow Tag, which is also the reason Wobuffet was banned for the perviously two generations. He's secured a spot in Wi-Fi OU, for who knows how long..... he's the epic ghost of fire....... he's our 13'th Pokemon of the Week.... I present to you, Chandelure.
It absorbs a spirit, which it then burns. By waving the flame on its arms it puts its foes into a hypnotic trance. Being consumer in Chandelure's flame burns up the spirit, leaving the body behind.
OVERVIEW: Chandelure has been a favorite of mine ever since I saw it. He has that spooky boss face, and well distributed stats. It's defenses are frail, but still allow it to take weak attacks, and it's speed is base 80, a considerably slow speed, but decent. It's special attack is where the bombshells start to hit. He has a base 145 special attack, and when running max special attack (252 and modest nature) it hits a whopping 426 stat. Isn't that something to be afraid of? Chandelure was the best revenge killer around, with his ability via Dream World, Shadow Tag. If you rememebered in your LG/FR games, you could meet a Dugtrio, but never run away from it? Shadow Tag is the same, except that it works on all enemies, and not just land-bourne opponents. This made Chandelure one of the best revenge killers in OU. It could trap Scizor and Fire Blast it, it could catch Ferrothorn and send it away, it could even revenge kill Skarmory. Now Chandelure has been banned from Dream World OU, but still has uses in Wi-Fi OU.

Flash Fire: Raises the power of fire type moves if hit by one: it's a great ability actually when you have something like a Scizor on your team, and Chandelure can easily spam Fire Blast after that.
Flame Body: I think it's like...... has a 30% or 50% chance of getting burned if the opponent physically contacts you? It's not the best ability, but useful on some things, such as Volcarona.
Shadow Tag: Here is one of the best abilities for revenge killers, as it traps anything it switches into, and the target may not switch out, only being able to escape with U-Turn, Volt Switch, and Baton Pass.


-Shadow Ball
-Fire Blast
-Energy Ball
-Hidden Power Fighting
Nature: Modest
EV's: 252 special attack, 252 speed, 4 defense
Item: Choice Scarf
Ability: Flash Fire

Let's talk about this scarf set, because it is arguably the best set of Chandelure out there. Your item is Choice Scarf to fix your slow speed. You want to max out your special attack, which will hit 426 with Modest nature. You want max speed to outrun a lot of things, while instead of putting 4 EV's in HP, you can now revenge kill and switch into Stealth Rocks 4 times. Hidden Power Fighting is for predicting Tyranitar switch ins, which 2HKO's. Fire Blast is meant to murder anything that doesn't resist it, or is Heatran. Energy Ball is for Politoed switch-in's which is also a 2HKO. Shadow Ball is your other powerful STAB attack, which annhialates Gengar, 2HKO's Jellicent, and cripples other scum. Your ability is Flash Fire, so what you're trying to get is a fire attack, then switch into Chandelure. One of the best companions to use this set with is Ninetales, as in sun and if Chandelure gets a Fire Blast to his face, Chandelure's Fire Blast is doubled in damage. Commong counters and things you have to look out for in this set are Tyranitar, as they will always attempt to switch-in, and you should carry HP Fighting for them.

-Hidden Power Fighting
-Fire Blast
-Calm Mind
-Shadow Ball
Ability: Flash Fire
Item: Life Orb
EV's: 252 special attack, 252 speed, 4 defense
Nature: Timid

Not much to say here, only that your nature, one attack, and item are different for more power. Hidden Power Fighting may OHKO, depending on the Tyranitar. Chandelure's HP Fighting has an average of 340 damage, which is 1 short of a max HP Tyranitar with zero special defense or HP investment. Jellicent is OHKO'd if it doesn't run max HP investment by Shadow Ball. Politoed is 2HKO'd if it runs HP invesment by Energy Ball. However, upon getting a Calm Mind boost, all of the common counters for it can be destroyed.

-Shadow Ball
-Hidden Power Fighting
-Energy Ball
-Fire Blast
Item: Choice Specs
Nature: Modest/Timid
EV's: 252 speed, 252 special attack, 4 special defense
Ability: Flash Fire

This is arguably the other best Chandelure set out there, and I'll tell you exactly why. With the item Choice Specs, your whole game changes and you are good enough to take out every single common lead in the game. Tyranitar is now OHKO'd by HP Fighting. Jellicent is now OHKO'd by Shadow Ball. Politoed is now OHKO'd by Energy Ball. Hippowdon can easily be taken care of with 2 Fire Blasts, 2 Energy Balls, or even two Shadow Balls. Breloom can be taken out if you have a Timid nature. This set OHKO's many leads in the book. Gliscor? OHKO. Conkeldurr switch in? OHKO.

Dragonite is a great example of a counter, as it has Multiscale, which causes Chandelure's Shadow Ball to only 2HKO. He can set up a Dragon Dance and simply Outrage away. Gengar is also a good counter to the non- scarfed sets, as it can outspeed and easily counter with it's own Shadow Ball. Chansey and Blissey can wall Chandelure and Toxic stall it. Hydreigon poses a small threat to all three sets, as on average, it can survive an HP Fighting and counter with a Draco Meteor. Vaporeon can survive an Energy Ball and counter with a Scald. Kingdra poses a threat to all sets, as it can survive a Shadow Ball and counter with a Dragon Dance or Waterfall. Gyarados is another common switch in, and can easily set up over Chandelure. Scarfmie is deadly to Chandelure, and Salamence is another good counter.

I hope you enjoyed this week's POTW, comment, recommend, and subscribe!



  2. Tell me your thoughts about it lol.

  3. lol i've always liked this pokemon and the set is something i would use for it

  4. its a pretty good pokemon its effects are pretty good 2. putting energy ball as a move gives it a little edge when going against a water type.


Pokemon101, and proud.